Monday, September 28, 2009

My Motivation to Attend College

Going to college can be one of the biggest decisions in a person's life. For students like me (graduating out of high school), one of our choices we had to make was whether to pursue into a higher education, which meant going to college, or finding a decent job, to gain new experiences, and planning our lives. Throughout my whole life I was told to always set my priorities and my education at a higher level. Many people will have different decisions/choices about attending school, but as for me, what motivates me to study hard, do well in school and attend college is making my mother proud of me and for her to be happy, also to have the desire to help people.

My mother motivates me the most to attend college because even though my family doesn’t have much I see my mom work so hard to make my brothers and my life amazing. I love my mother and I look up to her a lot. I want to study hard and attend college so I would be able to help her out with whatever she needs like she’s helped me with whatever I needed.

Growing up and up to this day, it’s been very hard to be able to have the money to go to the Dentist, or visit the Doctors, etc. The desire to help others is the most over whelming feeling I could ever get. I want to be able to provide a service for those who may not be able to receive it otherwise, just like myself. And there was no other occupation out there that I wanted to be other than being a pediatrician. I always loved children no matter how they acted or what they did to have the attention they needed. I want to be able to help children become healthy and have them to have a better future when they grow up and also to have them be happy

When we plan about going to college we never know what to expect.You just have to keep looking forward and strive to be the best that you can be in the situation that you are given.