Thursday, October 22, 2009

Rain of Gold BLog #3

What would people be willing to sacrifice in times of hardship?

There are certain times where people have sacrifice everything just so they can get by or help others or even help themselves. In chapter 14 and 15 Juan is proven to be very hardworking and doesn’t take anything from anyone. As he receives word that his mother is very ill in California Juan goes throughout his way into trying to see her. Because of Juan being the messed up type of guy he is all the money that he has are from all the gambling he does at a whorehouse. Even though Juan is not trustworthy he is still determined to grant his mothers wishes. Too me I think that he should be able to do more for his mother and his sister. All the money that he admitted to murder goes to his not worthy cousins, even though he knows that his mother sick and his family doesn’t have enough food or money to survive on Juan is able to give them money and its pretty selfish. This really impacts the family because families are suppose to help out one another not make them suffer even more. In chapter 15 Dona Margarita realizes that Juan is not ready to settle down and take a women and he won’t take responsibility to being a husband or a father. So basically he doesn’t grant his mothers wishes meaning that he does not care what his mother went through and how his family is living. Throughout my life, especially now, I have learned that sacrificing all that I have was the most helpful and heartwarming thing I could ever do. Ever since I started my job I’ve been giving my mom all my money because my mom had lost her job and my dad doesn’t pay child support. We are living in a really nice house, meaning that our mortgage is really high and she had to pay for electricity, the car etc. its very hard for her and I can see it in her that she is very tired of living this way. Even though I don’t get paid that much I give her what I can, and this influences my family because I want to set a good example for my little brother. I don’t want him to grow up being like my dad and being really greedy. This impacts my family because I want them to know that even though at hard times we are always going to be there for one another no matter the incident.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Lit circle blog #2

What are the consequences of sacrificing your pride in order to overcome your struggles?
to be completly honest sacrificing something through family can be the most difficult thing someone can ever due. at least thats through my eyes. throughout the book there were so many sacrifices that i saw. so many people in the book had to sacrifice with food were people lived. and to me i think food and a place to live is the most important thing that anyone could have.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Leave your name

Leave Your Cell Phone at the Classroom Door

9. What causes digital immigrants to feel they are subservient or less than digital natives in a society?
        I myself being a digital immigrant, I feel that just because i don't know that much about technology or know the advanced ways, doesn't mean that I'm not smart about how things work through the Internet or through any type of technology. i know enough to do my homework, check things on my accounts get music, find information that i really need and communicate to others. i don't need to know all the advanced technology because i don't want to major in computer engineering. i rather study and find information for the things that are worth my time or to just have something entertain me and will help me pursue in my future career.

Gaining my Self Confidence

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Reflection on Munoz

What are the issues involving American cultures over other cultures? Ok well let me see how I can answer this question. When looking through news channels or when going on the Internet and seeing all these issues that are currently happening throughout the world, I can see that not that many people care about them. But, I truly believe that the concept of cultural values is very different in American cultures than other cultures throughout parts of the world. To me, it seems that American culture does not have a clearly explained cultural. We have many disadvantages throughout our culture, but mostly because of discrimination and stereotypes, but as our generation becomes more diverse and as its communities become more racially and ethnically combined we expect "our" form of change to fit these communities. Different ethnic and racial groups may have different views about change. If their views don’t make sense to ours, do we criticize them for their actions and judge their ways of change nothing? Or, as college students should we consider that there are other ways to the use of an accepted person for achieving change. Before judging, we should study these cultures with an open mind. We should consider the cultures found in these places and in these greater communities, and we should look through the effects of these cultures. We never know what will hit us. The world is of its own mind that won’t predict the future. I feel that it is necessary that we must change our views about other people and we should acknowledge what we have and what we strive for instead of thinking about other people and what race they are. There is a limit were I can take when seeing these issues occur. Many lives have been affected by this situation and I am pretty sure that no one has done anything to prevent it from happening. But i will try to make a change for this.

Monday, October 5, 2009

What is the digital culture?

When I first heard about digital culture, I immediately thought of cell phones, mp3 players, I-pods, computers/laptops, etc. Today, there has been many ways to share different types of knowledge/art through the Internet. Besides cell phones and other things, Music, paintings and drawings, photographs, video, dance, poetry and books are also considered forms of art in the digital culture. For me, it is way easier to look through the internet and find the information I need to write an essay or write a research paper, instead of just going to the library and looking through a thousand books and only receiving a small amount of information. The Internet has its own way of delivering information faster and quicker and it helps a lot of people get things together. There is no limit to accessing the Internet. To be completely honest I don’t own a laptop or I-pod. The two most important high tech methods people use to listen to music. Something that I do use to listen to music is my cell phone. When I want to listen to something in the car or in general, I just simply hook up my cell phone and either go on youtube or my play lists. It’s faster and easier. I personally think that CD’s are way old fashion. And well when it comes to my cell phone, and me, we are like inseparable. I text so much, that sometimes my fingers get numb. To me, I think this method is easier to communicate with others. We live in such an extreme period where technology has completely taken over. No matter where you go, you can see someone using some sort of technology. I’m not saying that it’s a bad thing because as of right now I am using the computer to type this Blog instead of writing it down on paper. And what’s big about this is that, it’s a great learning process for me.