Thursday, October 22, 2009

Rain of Gold BLog #3

What would people be willing to sacrifice in times of hardship?

There are certain times where people have sacrifice everything just so they can get by or help others or even help themselves. In chapter 14 and 15 Juan is proven to be very hardworking and doesn’t take anything from anyone. As he receives word that his mother is very ill in California Juan goes throughout his way into trying to see her. Because of Juan being the messed up type of guy he is all the money that he has are from all the gambling he does at a whorehouse. Even though Juan is not trustworthy he is still determined to grant his mothers wishes. Too me I think that he should be able to do more for his mother and his sister. All the money that he admitted to murder goes to his not worthy cousins, even though he knows that his mother sick and his family doesn’t have enough food or money to survive on Juan is able to give them money and its pretty selfish. This really impacts the family because families are suppose to help out one another not make them suffer even more. In chapter 15 Dona Margarita realizes that Juan is not ready to settle down and take a women and he won’t take responsibility to being a husband or a father. So basically he doesn’t grant his mothers wishes meaning that he does not care what his mother went through and how his family is living. Throughout my life, especially now, I have learned that sacrificing all that I have was the most helpful and heartwarming thing I could ever do. Ever since I started my job I’ve been giving my mom all my money because my mom had lost her job and my dad doesn’t pay child support. We are living in a really nice house, meaning that our mortgage is really high and she had to pay for electricity, the car etc. its very hard for her and I can see it in her that she is very tired of living this way. Even though I don’t get paid that much I give her what I can, and this influences my family because I want to set a good example for my little brother. I don’t want him to grow up being like my dad and being really greedy. This impacts my family because I want them to know that even though at hard times we are always going to be there for one another no matter the incident.


  1. Aloha Samantha

    I agree and feel where you are coming from because not everyone lives a wealthy life. Today, there a lot of people that lost their jobs and its hard for them to search for well stable work to support their family. I feel people tend to go out of their way and do anything so they can take care of their family.

  2. I agreed with everything you had to say. You did a good job answering the question and I really liked how you included a personal example. Family is really important to you and you would do anything for them. Good job!

  3. I agree with what you said, about how Juan was being a greedy man and that he should sacrifice things for his family. I also liked the comparison u make with your life and the story.

  4. I think overall you did a great job especially with sharing something very personal about yourself. The one thing though I disagreed on was when you said Juan wasn't really helping out his family. Through Chapter 14 Juan actually started gambling so he could get money for his family to eat but almost got killed. Then he also started to work for the Americans to drill. You can incorporate this into your blog and say he did try to help his family but he also wanted the money for himself too. Then get in detail with that.
